My under 60 minutes Boxing Day Challenge

My under 60 minutes Boxing Day Challenge

60 minutes challenge Prequel   I had set myself two running challenges this year. One was an endurance test, and another was a speed test. Having achieved my endurance goal in the first part of the year, I conveniently forgot about my second challenge- 60 minutes...
Quinoa Leftover Casserole

Quinoa Leftover Casserole

Quinoa Leftover Casserole Quinoa leftover casserole is something which I created yesterday on the spur of the moment; there was a lot of leftover in the fridge and this light bulb moment suddenly sprung and WOW! it was surprisingly delicious.  To serve 4 Ingredients...
Quinoa Kichidi

Quinoa Kichidi

Quinoa Kichidi Quinoa Kichidi is one of my creative dishes, and I am glad about the results. It is a win-win dish as it is very very healthy and at the same time very delicious and easy to make To serve 4 Ingredients Ingredients: Boiled Quinoa Onion: 2 Carrots diced...
Buttternut squash & sweet potato curry

Buttternut squash & sweet potato curry

Butternut Sweet Potato Curry An Orange feast pleasing to the eye and pleasant to taste and an amalgamation of all the vitamins and nutrients that you can have!! Butternut squash is a good source of fibre, potassium, and several other vital nutrients. The nutritional...
Life After 40

Life After 40

Life After 40 Certain birthdays have special significance; reaching double figures, becoming a teenager, coming of age, all are markers of our journey through life; being able to vote, marry, en route to becoming an adult and then latterly giving us opportunities to...