Anulom Vilom

We will start with Anulom Vilom

  • Improves blood circulation. Regulates and optimizes oxygen levels in the blood.
  • Improves lung capacity, strengthens the heart and lungs.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure.
  • Beneficial in regulation and management of diabetes, obesity, asthma.
  • Relieves muscular tension, and is beneficial in management of arthritis, chronic sinusitis, blockages of nasal passages.
  • Stimulates metabolism, thus helps in many gastric and digestive ailments like constipation, acidity, ulcers.
  • Helps in effective management of migraine, insomnia, stress and hyper-tension, anxiety, anger management.
  • Improves concentration, memory, induces a sense of tranquillity and energizes the mind and body.
  • Optimizes blood flow and supply of nutrients to all vital organs. Helps improve skin and hair texture, providing a healthy glow to the skin. Prevents hair fall.

How to practice anuloma-viloma

  1. Sit in a comfortable meditative posture, either padmasana (lotus), or just with your legs crossed. Close your eyes, resting the left palm on your knees.
  2. Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and inhale deeply (into the chest) through the left nostril till the count of 3.
  3. Close both nostrils with the thumb and ring finger and you’re your breath for up-to 6 counts.
  4. With the left nostril closed open the right nostril and exhale slowly through right for 6 counts. Repeat the above cycle, this time inhaling through the right, and exhaling trough the left nostril.

Practice up-to 7 rounds or for 2 to 3 minutes, to begin with, starting with a breathing ratio of 1:2:2 for inhalation: retention: exhalation.

Please watch this YouTube video for a visual tutorial
Please let me know how you get on with it!

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